Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You Just Can’t Make This Up

More observations from the Land of the Absurd . . .

Hugo Chavez is, apparently, very proud of himself because he just bought a whole bunch of combat aircraft from Russia . . . including all the "weapons and pilots." Really? He bought the pilots from Russia, too? And here I thought the only human beings Russia trafficked in were women for the sex trade . . .

By the way, Hugo, there's no such thing as "Sukhoi missiles." So, when you threaten to sink U.S. ships using your "Sukhoi missiles" . . . you just make yourself look like a bigger ass than you already are.

Oh, and have fun storming Guyana. I really can't wait to see how Sean Penn is going to explain that one away for you.

Not that I believe it's the only answer, but can we all please get off this idea that drilling for more oil wouldn't have any effect on the price-per-barrel? Of course it would. The price of oil is decided by the futures markets and, for as long as demand remains where it is and supply remains where it is, the price is going to remain high. Once you start adding to the supply by finding and exploiting new sources, the price is going to drop. Even just announcing that you are going to do that - as long as you then follow-through - is going to produce a price drop.

While we're at it, the idea that if every American kept the tires on their car properly inflated, it would make a dent in oil prices, is perhaps the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said.

Despite what you may think, Senator Obama is not the Second Coming. Nor is Senator McCain "too old." Would either one of them be the best choice for President? Probably not.

News flash for the Europeans: I don't particularly give a damn what you happen to think our national policies should be. Clean up your own houses first, or at least do us the courtesy of also insisting that we should be able to tell you how your nations should be run. I might feel differently about this had any of you bothered to lift a finger to stop the fun-and-games that went on in the former Yugoslavia, but you didn't. So shut the fuck up.

News flash for the Democrats: Bush is neither that dumb nor is he the Antichrist.

News flash for the Republicans: he isn't that smart, either.

News flash for George Soros and MoveOn.org: you all need to shut the fuck up, too.

Just so we're clear on this. Iran is sitting on one of the world's largest reserves of untapped oil. So just why do you think they're developing a nuclear programme?

Go ahead, keep jaywalking in front of me. As far as I'm concerned, you're just points.

Oh, and Brett Favre needs to shut the fuck up, too.

I'll probably remind you of this again next winter, but to the next idiot who decides to park halfway into the Handicapped spot because they don't want to trudge their way through the slush . . . I'm not going to say anything anymore, I'm just going to beat you.

To those of you who seem to believe that every Muslim, everywhere, is part of some great Islamic conspiracy to "overthrow" us: lose the tin-foil hats and move out of the basement. All you're doing is diverting attention away from those radicalized elements within that belief system that are a threat.

To the former Apollo astronaut who knows that aliens are on Earth and that the Government is covering that up: remind me again how successful your ESP experiments on the way to the Moon were?

Dear Treasury Department: no, really, I mean it. Stop fucking with the money.

Dear Department of Defence: once you've totally reconfigured yourself to prosecute asymmetric warfare, what are you going to do when someone like, say, China decides to make trouble? You do remember, right, that the "ten year plan" didn't work for the British in the 1930s?

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